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From childhood I wanted to be an artist. I majored in Fine Art in college and worked as a self-employed jeweler and glass artist for several years. In 1986 I began Handscapes Gallery in Beaufort, NC as a way to display my work and the work of my friends. I quickly realized that I had to either be the artist or the business person, so I became the business person. A few years ago I retired, and gained the freedom to make art.


Despite my experiments with other forms of art, I have always wanted to paint. The subject that holds the most interest for me is people. I just love the expressions, the play of light across the planes of a face. So, I am enjoying the freedom to do that, and it brings me much joy. I hope it also brings joy to others.

Alison P Vernon

Iconic Women: As a child I was fascinated by Byzantine and Medieval Icon paintings. I’m not sure what it was that drew me to them, but I think I liked the static serenity and the symbolism associated with them. They were people, but people who were extraordinary in some way. 


So, now I paint icons. My modern day icons are women who, through their courage, dignity, and wisdom, reach for a higher truth and inspire us to do the same. I think it reminds us that ordinary people can make a difference. Here's one of Greta Thunberg, Swedish activist for the environment.

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